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The first thing to consider here is, when is this time of the end? Many of those who teach that the king of the north is the papacy also teach that the time of the end, in this verse, is really 1844. None of the pioneers believed this. They all taught that the time of the end was 1798. The reason for the the 1844 date is that the pope was captured in 1798 and thus could not come at anybody like a whirlwind for many years after. In fact almost everyone, who puts the papacy in this verse, dates his coming like a whirlwind to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, more than 200 years after 1798. The 1844 date was introduced by M.C. Wilcox and W.W. Prescott, who were mentioned in our previous study on the history of Adventism. But 1989 is still 145 years after 1844, so I don't see that the cause is helped very much by using 1844 as the time of the end.